Official Launch – Destination Z
Friday October 14 | 10pm - 3am
Paid admission
Place : 936 Sainte-Catherine Street East

As part of their creative residency CRÉER DES PONTS located at 936 Sainte-Catherine Street East, Studio ZX invites you to the launch party of their project Destination Z.

Destination Z is a massive multidisciplinary work that transports its audience into a captivating narrative universe. By day, the environment offers a free-to-explore experience accessible to participants of all ages and will enchant any human, non-human, or from any of the 5 corners of the explored universe, guaranteed!

At nightfall, the environment is activated to transport passengers to faraway, more-than-real and never-before-imagined lands. You are then invited to a nightlife experience that will give back its meaning and fervor to the tireless quest for escape.

Come and immerse yourself in this sensory and narrative experience!

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